Morgan Stanley
BackThe Challenge
To establish real-time, secure delivery of online pass-codes for users logging into its banking websites, including: ClinetServ – ClientLink – BuinessScape – E-Delivery – Van Kampen – Matrix
Morgan Stanley was looking to establish a process that would allow it to improve the efficiency of how pass codes were issued. The challenge was to cut down on the amount of paperwork required in sending out letters with pass codes and phone calls, the challenge being to cut out unnecessary expenditure. It also wanted a requirement for immediate information delivery, something better fulfilled through SMS.
The Solution
By linking website interfaces with the Wirefast Enterprise SMS solution Morgan Stanley is able to send unique pass-codes directly to users’ mobile handsets. This enables secure logging into online accounts. The entire process takes an average of three seconds to complete.
Speaking about the implementation, the Global Manager of Messaging Operations at Morgan Stanley, said:
Wirefast has provided a secure, global, business critical messaging service to Morgan Stanley since 2003. The service has improved even further since migration to the Wirefast platform in 2006. Currently we utilize Wirefast’s inbound/outbound Fax, Text-to-Voice, SMS and inbound/outbound Telex. During our time with Wirefast we have enjoyed an excellent level of service. Wirefast is always proactive, ensuring fast and efficient feedback on issues/requests at anytime of day or night.
About Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm headquartered in New York City. Since 1935, Morgan Stanley has served as the preeminent financial advisor to companies, governments and investors from around the world. Morgan Stanley operates in 36 countries in over 600 offices and has a workforce of over 60,000.